Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Attitude!

So, here I sit staring at this screen...”tap tap tap?!?, backspack backspace backspace” in varied patterns X's 20, ultimately back at          ! Seriously, everyone else seems to do it, with ease. I mean, my very first official post. It has to be helpful...worthy, right? Well, let's hope that I'm a better photographer than a writer. Ready...set...

Crazy month! It started with the decision to “re-brand”. That's right, new logo, new colors, new business cards, new attitude, and most importantly, a new name. Photography by Cynthia is now Cynthia Ahr Photography. Big stuff considering it all went down in a 3 week period. Since it is all or nothing for me, that was only the beginning. I completely redecorated my office staying true to my new branding style. All prints were replaced with more current ones from recent weddings. And...there's more. I even launched a new website, flash, html and mobile. Check this out Oh, that's right, and a new domain.  In addition, I met at least 800 new brides at the Sacramento Bridal Showcase.  And then proceed to book nearly 9 weddings in the last 4 days. Did I mention that this was all in the last 3 weeks?  I'm ready to have some fun, be creative, try new things with my camera.  Yep, I'm feeling it, I'm motivated...Bring it!